Andrew Martinsen's Walleye Fishing Secrets

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Andrew Martinsen's Walleye Fishing Update

Wild Walleyes on the Wolf River

Jigging, Crankbaiting, Slip Bobbering for Walleyes

The fishing on Wolf River is legendary in the spring and yields some of the best fishing in Wisconsin. Wolf River is a great place to catch walleye as they move up from the Winnebago feeder river up to the Wolf River. This river is the largest river in Waupaca County, as it provides more than 90 miles of water to be navigated over its length of 225 miles. Many of the fish move up to the wolf river to spawn in the spring time.

As the walleye move into this area, and the upper lakes of the chain - like Butte Des Morts and Poygan, the most promising tactic to use is to find an area along the edge of the channel and wait for the fish to come your direction. Whether you decide to fish from a boat or from shore, the equipment is essentially the same. There are three popular methods used to catch walleyes, these are by slip bobbering, jigging and casting crank baits.

When slip bobbering for walleyes you may want to use a seven ft medium spinning rod and reel, along with a soft tip and stiffer butt end to help make sweeping hook sets. When preparing the slip bobber rod, use a stop with the slip bobber. After placing the string onto your monofilament line, ensure that the ends are slightly tightened. You may then use a medium slip bobber and pinch the split shot about 18 inches from the hook. At this point the slip bobber should be able to stand up. Lastly, tie the hook on and set the depth of the slip bobber. Weight may be necessary for the hook to find the bottom. While holding the stop from the bobber, drop the weight as far as it can go. Slide the stop from the bobber down until the bobber stands up, and slide it again another two feet to prevent it from touching bottom. Now you are ready to put the bait on and fish.

When jigging, you will be moving the bait up and down to give it action. Use a medium action - six to six and a half foot spinning rod with a soft tip. Graphite rods have become popular due to their superior feel. Pair this rod with a medium spinning reel filled with number six test monofilament line. To keep in contact with the bottom, use light jigs. Standard jig sizes for rivers are up to half an ounce depending on the current. As for colors, start with five basic colors: white, black, red, orange and yellow, with round head jigs being a standard. Dark and deep water will require lighter colors.

The third method of catching walleyes is by casting crankbaits. Start with a medium to heavy action six foot spinning rod. Pair this with a heavy-duty spinning reel filled with either a number 10 test monofilament or a fourteen-six super braid. Use a snap swivel. A good pick for the crank bait would be thin-bodied minnow bait or the thicker bodied shad styles. The preferred size for walleye cranks should range between 2 3/4 to 4 ? inches. Your color selection for crank baits should be mostly natural.

There are different ways to enjoy your fishing trip on Wolf River, use some of the most popular techniques and it will likely be a success.

You're About to Discover Intense Walleye Fishing Techniques that Can Increase Your Walleye Catch Count When You Hit the Water

Inside My Exclusive Email Publication, You'll Discover...

• An underground Secret Sauce bait recipe for catching walleye.

• Under-the-radar walleye fishing tips that can help you to catch walleyes fast!

• How to create an irresistible attraction to your offering that can make even satisfied fish that aren't hungry snap at it.

• How to catch more and bigger walleyes using the stuff you've already got in your tackle box.

• And much, much more!

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25 Inch Walleye Caught at Lake of the Woods

Walleye Fishing Secrets Student Shares an Awesome Catch


Here's a 25 inch walleye caught at Lake of the Woods, Ontario. The picture is a great memento for me.

I caught it drifting. We caught it amongst some smaller ones that ended up on the dinner table.

Your advice was helpful in making my trip successful. Thank you!"

- Russell K.

Join thousands of anglers throughout North America who are catching more and bigger walleyes from shore or on a boat in lakes, rivers and streams:

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Great Fishin' to You! (Always),


Andrew Martinsen