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Andrew Martinsen's Walleye Fishing Update
Jigs That Catch Walleye
Put More Fish On Your Hook With These Jigs
There are hundreds or even thousands of different jigs that can be used to fish for Walleye, but what are some
of the best Walleye fishing jigs you will find? You can't go wrong with a Fuzz-E-Grub.
The plastic body is soft and feels natural and the
small tail made from marabou feather allows the jig to
swim slightly in a natural manner.
This jig has been around a long time, and is one of
the most trusted jigs there are.
Take the jig and move it through the water quickly,
and keep up a continuous movement with the bait.
This will normally attract any active fish in the area,
and can be a very effective jig to use to increase your
Walleye success rate.
Work the weed bed edges and any shallow humps
that are present, because this is normally where the
Walleye are most active a lot of the time.
Start with a Fuzz-E-Grub jig that weighs between one
eighth and one fourth of an ounce, and move up in
weight after changing the color and the bait being
One of the best Walleye fishing jigs, and one of the
most popular during certain seasons, is the Slo-Poke
Illustration of the Slo-Poke WeedMaster
There is a weed guard on this jig that is made from
fiber, so it does not scare the fish away like many
other jigs intended for fishing the weeds.
The guard deflects the weeds and prevents snags
without lowering your success rate.
Because the distribution of the weight is centered on
the hook with this jig it is easier to maneuver around
During the spring, walleye fishing these jigs can be
indispensable, and the same is true for most of the
Weeds are a good spot for catching record numbers
and sizes of Walleyes, and they are usually found in
deep weeds.
A Mustad hook ensures that once you catch the fish
with this jig there is no getting away.
Another jig that is one of the best when it comes to
Walleye fishing is the Odd'ball Jig.
These jigs come in a wide variety of colors, sizes,
and weights, and the color on these jigs is a new
Glow-In-Color finish using the latest in technology.
These jigs work very well in low light conditions, such
as night fishing, overcast or cloudy days, and in
darker waters where visibility is impaired.
The PurpleTiger version of the Odd'ball Jig is
catching people a lot of fish on rivers, and many of
their colors can be used in many conditions.
You're About to Discover Intense Walleye Fishing Techniques that Can Increase Your Walleye Catch Count When You Hit the Water
Inside My Exclusive Email Publication, You'll Discover...
• An underground Secret Sauce bait recipe for catching walleye.
• Under-the-radar walleye fishing tips that can help you to catch walleyes fast!
• How to create an irresistible attraction to
your offering that can make even satisfied fish that aren't hungry snap at it.
• How to catch more and bigger walleyes using the stuff you've already got in your tackle box.
• And much, much more!
Directions: It's easy. Simply fill in
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underground walleye
fishing reports will be sent to your email box immediately. Go ahead right now...
25 Inch Walleye Caught at Lake of the Woods
Walleye Fishing Secrets Student Shares an Awesome Catch
Here's a 25 inch walleye caught at Lake of the Woods, Ontario. The
picture is a great memento for me.
I caught it drifting. We caught it amongst some smaller ones that ended up
on the dinner table.
Your advice was helpful in making my trip successful. Thank you!"
- Russell K.
Join thousands of anglers throughout North America who are catching more and bigger walleyes from shore or on a boat in lakes, rivers and streams:
Join thousands of anglers throughout North America who are catching more and bigger walleyes from shore or on a boat in lakes, rivers and streams:
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Great Fishin' to You! (Always),
Andrew Martinsen