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The Importance of Walleye Fishing Strategy by Andrew Martinsen
Strategizing Before You Hit the Walleye Waters
The prepared angler will have a schedule of the places they want to hit and when. Walleye action changes through out the day so try to formulate a plan that matches the estimated behaviors of your target. The goal is to find a couple of choice spots and stick with them while on the water.
Early morning and early afternoon are active feeding times for walleye. Trolling or casting over weed beds is fairly affective. Once the sun is out, walleye will take cover to get out of the bright light. Jigging then becomes the star of the show. You can switch to trolling the deeper waters if the fish just aren't working with you but this should be a last resort. Remember you are trying to optimize your time on the water.
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25 Inch Walleye Caught at Lake of the Woods
Walleye Fishing Secrets Student Shares an Awesome Catch
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