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Andrew Martinsen's Walleye Fishing Update
Marking the Transition Lines for Walleye
Using Transition Lines in Order to Catch More Walleye
Hey, Andrew Martinsen here.
Of the many places that walleye anglers seek their limit, transition zones don't typically get a lot of attention. Learning to find and fish these areas can open the door to catching more than a few brag-worthy walleye.
Transition lines are typically defined as an area where hard and soft bottoms meet. Some prime examples are gravel transitioning into mud or rock turning into sand. A transition line can also be considered an edge or a concentration point. Any spot that makes it desirable for walleye to congregate fits the idea of transition lines.
Transition lines don't see much action because they aren't hot areas. Since walleye are on the move during peak fishing season, you won't find a large number of fish hanging out in these spots. The occasional ones that you might find usually are scale-tipping in size.
Walleye move in seasonal patterns. In the spring they have reproduction on the brain. During the summer months, walleye will seek cooler waters when not feeding actively. Fall starts the gathering of walleye as they prepare to go deep for the winter.
Walleye will often lurk in transition zones as they prepare for the next part of their seasonal routine. Taking advantage of these spots many help you land a big walleye. Most other anglers avoid these areas since the success rate isn't stellar and the action is slower.
Once you have found a good transition line, it is time to cast out your offering. If you have marked a few random fish, you will want to reach for a crankbait. This is a great lure that lets you cover the area better.
If the walleye seem to be concentrated in a pocket, you will want to go for a bottom bouncer and spinner combination. Spinners can also be paired with a live bait rig. A night crawler is a tempting option and an angler favorite. Leeches can stir a walleye's interest too. Minnows are a year long favorite of walleye especially in the late summer months.
A bottom bouncer on your rigging will keep the bait in the best sight line for walleye. They are fairly snag-free and let the spinner use its speed to draw attention. Use bottom bouncers that are in the two to three ounce category. This size will help you keep the bait close to the boat.
Keeping the bait close allows you to adapt to any sudden changes in depth. It also lets you bring the bait up higher if the walleye are suspended higher up. Walleye approach their meals from the bottom. Bringing the bait up will make taking it more natural for the walleye.
There are other presentations that work well in transition lines. Jigging works during the early part of the season. As the water warms, you will want to try quicker presentations. Walleye metabolisms are kicking in and they respond better to a more aggressive presentation.
Fishing transition lines may seem like a waste of time to some anglers. There just aren't high enough numbers in these spots to make them worthwhile. If you are on the hunt for size versus quantity, transition lines are a great place to hunt for the walleye that no one else can find.
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25 Inch Walleye Caught at Lake of the Woods
Walleye Fishing Secrets Student Shares an Awesome Catch
Here's a 25 inch walleye caught at Lake of the Woods, Ontario. The
picture is a great memento for me.
I caught it drifting. We caught it amongst some smaller ones that ended up
on the dinner table.
Your advice was helpful in making my trip successful. Thank you!"
- Russell K.
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Join thousands of anglers throughout North America who are catching more and bigger walleyes from shore or on a boat in lakes, rivers and streams:
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Great Fishin' to You! (Always),
Andrew Martinsen