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My Report Called "Secret Sauce: The Bait Recipe for More and Bigger Walleyes."
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Andrew Martinsen's Walleye Fishing Update
Planer Board Mania
Why Keeping Your Boards in Top Shape Can Bag More Walleyes More Often
Planer boards are simply great when you're in shallow or clear and you want to get your bait as far away from your boat as possible.
They're also great if you're fishing for walleye when
they're suspended or congregating extremely close
to shore.
Obviously you can still be wildly successful without
utilizing boards, but if you do you'll have put
yourself in a position to net a TON of walleye
because you'll be a lot more versatile.
When running boards, a very important thing to
consider is the stability of your boards:
A planer board should be able to plane smoothly in
rough spots, and should be able to perform well at
the slower speeds that are often used while trolling
for walleye.
A great bait to use when running boards at any
depth is any type of crankbait. Try going slow with
Therefore it is a must that your boards be able to
function flawlessly at slow speeds. Keeping your
boards in top shape will help them to be able to
plane smoothly and perform very well at these slow
It is important to consider however that not one
single speed or depth will always work.
Experiment with different ones until you hit that
magical sweet spot where you can simply
do no wrong.
Snap weights are an absolute must here. They
make it easy to tie weight just one time, and they're
crucial to your success.
When it comes time to change weights, because of
snap weights it becomes only a matter of pressing
a release.
You're About to Discover Intense Walleye Fishing Techniques that Can Increase Your Walleye Catch Count When You Hit the Water
Inside My Exclusive Email Publication, You'll Discover...
• An underground Secret Sauce bait recipe for catching walleye.
• Under-the-radar walleye fishing tips that can help you to catch walleyes fast!
• How to create an irresistible attraction to
your offering that can make even satisfied fish that aren't hungry snap at it.
• How to catch more and bigger walleyes using the stuff you've already got in your tackle box.
• And much, much more!
Directions: It's easy. Simply fill in
your name and email address and your first of many FREE
underground walleye
fishing reports will be sent to your email box immediately. Go ahead right now...
25 Inch Walleye Caught at Lake of the Woods
Walleye Fishing Secrets Student Shares an Awesome Catch
Here's a 25 inch walleye caught at Lake of the Woods, Ontario. The
picture is a great memento for me.
I caught it drifting. We caught it amongst some smaller ones that ended up
on the dinner table.
Your advice was helpful in making my trip successful. Thank you!"
- Russell K.
Join thousands of anglers throughout North America who are catching more and bigger walleyes from shore or on a boat in lakes, rivers and streams:
Join thousands of anglers throughout North America who are catching more and bigger walleyes from shore or on a boat in lakes, rivers and streams:
If you've been wanting to get more sastifaction from your
walleye fishing outings, sign up to my
walleye fishing catching email publication!
Great Fishin' to You! (Always),
Andrew Martinsen