Andrew Martinsen's Walleye Fishing Secrets

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Andrew Martinsen's Walleye Fishing Update

Fishing for Walleyes in Michigan

Michigan's Best Inland Lakes for Walleye Fishing

Hey, it's Andrew Martinsen. Anglers of Michigan are fortunate enough to have several bodies of water that are all ripe with walleye fish. The most popular places to fish for walleye in Michigan include Lake Michigan, Lake Erie, Long Lake, Black Lake, Lake Superior and Grand Lake. However, the Michigan state record for walleye was caught in Pine River. For the angler who craves the peace and tranquility of fishing, one of the following lakes may be just the place to catch the walleye of your dreams.

Hubbard Lake

Hubbard Lake is a massive 8,850 acres, which makes it one of the biggest inland bodies of water in Michigan. Hubbard is considered a must-fish lake by Michigan's semi-pro walleye tour. So, as you can imagine, there are plenty of walleye to find here. However, while many anglers bestow the virtues of Hubbard Lake, the walleye there are by no means easy to catch.

Because Hubbard Lake has clear waters, walleye will often be found in the deeper waters, where they can conceal themselves. Many professional anglers favor Doctor's Point or Churchill Point, especially early in the season.

Gun Lake

Gun Lake is considered one of the best inland lakes for walleye in southern Michigan. It is comparatively small, at only 2,680 acres and is found in Barry County. This is a very popular stretch of water with for recreational activities. Subsequently, many anglers begin their fishing on Gun Lake at daybreak.

Some of the best spots in Gun Lake are to be found near the center of the lake. Hastings' Point and Murphy's Point are believed to be prime walleye territory. In addition, you may want to try the southwest part of Robbins Bay in the northwest part of the lake.

Lake Gogebic

Located in the north, Lake Gogebic is the largest of the Upper Peninsula lakes. It is a massive 12,800 acre body of water that not only offers wonderful opportunities for catching walleye (as it has the state's largest inland lake population), but also provides outstandingly beautiful scenery.

During the early season, anglers are advised to fish on the lake's east side. However, by the summer months the walleye will have re-located to weedy areas, or the drop-offs.

North Lake Leelanau

Found in the southeast of Leelanau County, it is believed that North Lake Leelanau is a far superior place to catch walleye than its southern counterpart. North Lake Leelanau provides the walleye with better feeding and spawning conditions. Therefore, supplies are plentiful and the fish caught there are typically much larger.

During the early season, many anglers favor the south of the lake, where there are sloping flats. In the summer, the walleye of North Lake Leelanau are frequently found in open water. It is a good idea to search for the rainbow smelt, which the walleye will be feeding on.

Holloway Reservoir

The Holloway Reservoir is a man-made lake located in northeast Genesee County and northwest Lapeer County. Although most of the walleye found in Holloway are of an average size at best, there is a prevalence of the fish. Holloway Reservoir is particularly popular with walleye in the early part of the season and during the winter months.

Prime locations at Holloway are south of the Mt Morris Road Bridge. Many anglers also fish on the edges of Holloway's channel, specifically in the west.

Great fishin to you!,

Andrew Martinsen

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25 Inch Walleye Caught at Lake of the Woods

Walleye Fishing Secrets Student Shares an Awesome Catch


Here's a 25 inch walleye caught at Lake of the Woods, Ontario. The picture is a great memento for me.

I caught it drifting. We caught it amongst some smaller ones that ended up on the dinner table.

Your advice was helpful in making my trip successful. Thank you!"

- Russell K.

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Great Fishin' to You! (Always),


Andrew Martinsen