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Contour Trolling
Fishfinder Tips
Jigging Tips
Crankbait Tips
Trophy Walleyes
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Andrew Martinsen's Walleye Fishing Update
Contour Trolling for Walleyes
Why Trolling at a Consistent Depth Can Bring You Consistent Results
Contour trolling for walleye is a relatively new sensation that is getting a lot of results. This is especially so in the warmer summer months when these fish are presented with a number of feeding opportunities.
The tactic is also recommended for
cold day fishing, as well. There are some tricks that
can help make contour trolling go more smoothly
though. This is not a skill that is mastered in a day.
Without knowing the water and the habits of the
Walleye in that specific water, whether it is a lake,
stream, river, reservoir or other body of water or a river,
you can not be as successful or get results which are
as good.
The very first thing to do when planning to fish for
Walleye in a new body of water is to get maps of the
lake or river, ones which will show all the aspects and
underwater structure.
Look closely at the maps, and make a note of all the
underwater structure, reefs, and flats that are in the
water you will be fishing.
Look for areas on the map that are attractive to
Walleye, and where past experience shows the fish
may be at.
Analyze the maps closely, and look at every small
Once you have done the analysis, it is time to hit the
The only catch is you will not need any poles or tackle,
because the first trip or two out will be about watching
the fish and learning their habits.
Use a fish finder and a GPS to locate and map where
the Walleye are, and what they are doing.
To become a master of the lake or river you want to
fish for Walleye in, you have to know every nook and
cranny of the water, and the habits of the Walleye that
live there.
Going out on the water to learn about the fish and the
area will allow you to become attuned to the fish, and
predict more accurately what they will want at any
given time.
Doing thorough analysis and research on the water
before Walleye fishing is critical.
Even experienced Walleye anglers need to take these
steps before fishing new waters.
Understanding both the water you are fishing and the
fish that live in it is the first step to catching tons of
Plus, studying the fish before you ever try to catch them
will help you predict their movements and activities,
and this can lead to catching your limit or even that
trophy Walleye that is forever sought after by amateurs
and professionals alike.
By going all analytical like this at the outset, it takes the
emotion out of the equation and lets you focus on the
fish in an observant way.
When you see the water from a wide view
perspective like this, it?s easier to not let yourself get
too attached to one spot or technique when you do
decide to drop a line in.
Mastering the water you are fishing will lead to more
confidence, and a thorough knowledge of the lake and
the fish that is invaluable when it comes to catching
these noble fish.
You're About to Discover Intense Walleye Fishing Techniques that Can Increase Your Walleye Catch Count When You Hit the Water
Inside My Exclusive Email Publication, You'll Discover...
• An underground Secret Sauce bait recipe for catching walleye.
• Under-the-radar walleye fishing tips that can help you to catch walleyes fast!
• How to create an irresistible attraction to
your offering that can make even satisfied fish that aren't hungry snap at it.
• How to catch more and bigger walleyes using the stuff you've already got in your tackle box.
• And much, much more!

Directions: It's easy. Simply fill in
your name and email address and your first of many FREE
underground walleye
fishing reports will be sent to your email box immediately. Go ahead right now...
25 Inch Walleye Caught at Lake of the Woods
Walleye Fishing Secrets Student Shares an Awesome Catch

Here's a 25 inch walleye caught at Lake of the Woods, Ontario. The
picture is a great memento for me.
I caught it drifting. We caught it amongst some smaller ones that ended up
on the dinner table.
Your advice was helpful in making my trip successful. Thank you!"
- Russell K.
Join thousands of anglers throughout North America who are catching more and bigger walleyes from shore or on a boat in lakes, rivers and streams:
Join thousands of anglers throughout North America who are catching more and bigger walleyes from shore or on a boat in lakes, rivers and streams:

If you've been wanting to get more satisfaction from your
walleye fishing outings, sign up to my
walleye fishing catching email publication!
Great Fishin' to You! (Always),
Andrew Martinsen